Monday, 21 July 2008
Oh my goodness I have a job!
I haven't worked "properly" since my daughter was born 8 years ago as she was born with a heart condition and went through a very tough time during her first two years. I never felt I could leave her with anyone, so always worked when my husband was at home, but knew none of these jobs would suit me long term.
Recently a job was advertised at my children's school, for a playworker in the after school club which will be set up next term. I let the deadline pass as my confidence is about zero after being at home for so long. I was then told by one of the management committee that if I changed my mind they would welcome a late application from me as no-one suitable had applied. Luckily my friend is a playworker in the breakfast club so she helped me with the interview questions, which my daughter (age nearly 8) tested me on!
And I got the job!
You wont envy the hours though, 3.15pm to 6.15pm Monday to Friday!
Next stop, classroom assistant!
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
The non existent dresser, latest thrifty finds and a makeover

I've been busy on the thrifting front lately. Here is the start of my Pyrex snowflake collection. Each item was around £1 in charity and junk shops. This pattern also comes in other colours, I've seen it in red with white snowflakes which would look lovely at Christmas mixed with the black and white I think. I am also collecting the June Rose pattern but only have one tiny plate in that.

I bought these two pretty plates for my daughter's birthday tea next month. She is having an old fashioned tea party and a sleepover although finding friends that are available is going to be a bit difficult as most of them are on holiday! I've already bought some jelly moulds and a glass cake stand for the birthday cake and will get some bunting to hang on the gazebo in the garden. Hope it's not raining!

And finally, a little makeover. We will be decorating my daughter's bedroom next month when the kids are away in Ireland with their grandparents. I bought this mirror for 50p in the Salvation Army shop and painted it using Plastikote spray paint. I know, so untrendy that I didnt use F&B or something but this really was easy and cream is cream wherever you buy it from! It is shown here in the bathroom, but will go in her room when it has been decorated.
Sorry the lighting is bad on the photos, it has been so grey and wet here but typically now that I am writing this the sun has come out and the sky is blue.
I have been tagged to show the view from my kitchen window, I haven't forgotten and will do that once we have pruned the bushes and the sun is shining. It all looks a bit overgrown at the moment as we aren't that good at keeping it tidy!